Closer to print publication!

American children will never again experience the innocence and freedoms of Midwest farm life to be had in the 1950’s and 60’s. It was a hard-fought, yet simpler life; perhaps not so easily understood by today’s standards. It is my hope that I have provided a glimpse into that way of life, and that through my writing, I can allow readers to relive that treasured time.
smokey foal

(Above are some of the pony ears I used to scratch.)

According to the American Cancer Society, in the 1960s, the 5-year survival rate for children diagnosed with leukemia was less than 10%. The current survival rate has increased to more than 90%. I have lived long enough to witness that monumental improvement. I also witnessed the passing of my own father in 2009, who devastatingly became yet another statistic in the fight against leukemia.

I would like to dedicate a percentage of the sales of this book, Sharley’s Lessons, to that ongoing fight, as the second book in my Proceed for Others series. (As soon as I recoup my publishing expenses, my pipe dream is to contribute to causes dear to my heart.) My first book of the series, 5-Star Citizen: Raising the Civic-Minded Child, is also available in print format. A third Proceed for Others book, Poo Skadoo: Everything’s Jake, the first in a trilogy, is now available in digital format.


(Our farm cat, Cat, who liked to ride on our heads!)