Tested Ways to Make Author Progress

I look back over the intermittent support I have received for my writing passion while working the day jobs, and I feel grateful for four in particular:

  1. The Institute of Children’s Literature and my mentor/instructor, Mel Boring. I kept every lesson and all the encouragement handwritten in the margins by Mel. If you have ever wondered about the Institute, I can tell you it was a great resource for growth and connection as a writer. I just rediscovered their newsletter and entered their poetry contest. Twice.
  2. Kindle Direct Publishing gave me the opportunity to publish digitally for the first time, after having taken a community college course regarding same. Now I hope to capitalize on the marketing associated with the program. Baby steps, as the day job continues. . . . (Sharley’s Lessons, Poo Skadoo: Everything’s Jake)
  3. Balboa Press has a publishing package I purchased after researching other self-publishing offers. The brightest star of the package is the Author Learning Center that is available for a year from purchase. I am taking all kinds of notes! I am still working through the publishing phase and am pleased with the cover and the editing remarks. Can’t wait to get my book. (Sharley’s Lessons)
  4. Create Space offers a newsletter to help authors with marketing, especially branding,  and publishing. I really like the way their staff was able to call you almost instantaneously if you have a question while publishing with them. (5-Star Citizen: Raising the Civic-Minded Child) amazon.com/author/rkvetter