Poo Skadoo: Everything’s Jake

I had a new cover made for Poo Skadoo, Book 1, through 100 Covers, a first-time experience. I recommend that company, as they give unlimited revisions and are very accommodating. I enjoyed seeing how they brought Poo Skadoo to life. I have now published the paperback edition. It was fun to revisit the characters and storyline!

Closer to print publication!

American children will never again experience the innocence and freedoms of Midwest farm life to be had in the 1950’s and 60’s. It was a hard-fought, yet simpler life; perhaps not so easily understood by today’s standards. It is my hope that I have provided a glimpse into that way of life, and that through my writing, I can allow readers to relive that treasured time.
smokey foal

(Above are some of the pony ears I used to scratch.)

According to the American Cancer Society, in the 1960s, the 5-year survival rate for children diagnosed with leukemia was less than 10%. The current survival rate has increased to more than 90%. I have lived long enough to witness that monumental improvement. I also witnessed the passing of my own father in 2009, who devastatingly became yet another statistic in the fight against leukemia.

I would like to dedicate a percentage of the sales of this book, Sharley’s Lessons, to that ongoing fight, as the second book in my Proceed for Others series. (As soon as I recoup my publishing expenses, my pipe dream is to contribute to causes dear to my heart.) My first book of the series, 5-Star Citizen: Raising the Civic-Minded Child, is also available in print format. A third Proceed for Others book, Poo Skadoo: Everything’s Jake, the first in a trilogy, is now available in digital format.


(Our farm cat, Cat, who liked to ride on our heads!)

Tested Ways to Make Author Progress

I look back over the intermittent support I have received for my writing passion while working the day jobs, and I feel grateful for four in particular:

  1. The Institute of Children’s Literature and my mentor/instructor, Mel Boring. I kept every lesson and all the encouragement handwritten in the margins by Mel. If you have ever wondered about the Institute, I can tell you it was a great resource for growth and connection as a writer. I just rediscovered their newsletter and entered their poetry contest. Twice.
  2. Kindle Direct Publishing gave me the opportunity to publish digitally for the first time, after having taken a community college course regarding same. Now I hope to capitalize on the marketing associated with the program. Baby steps, as the day job continues. . . . (Sharley’s Lessons, Poo Skadoo: Everything’s Jake)
  3. Balboa Press has a publishing package I purchased after researching other self-publishing offers. The brightest star of the package is the Author Learning Center that is available for a year from purchase. I am taking all kinds of notes! I am still working through the publishing phase and am pleased with the cover and the editing remarks. Can’t wait to get my book. (Sharley’s Lessons)
  4. Create Space offers a newsletter to help authors with marketing, especially branding,  and publishing. I really like the way their staff was able to call you almost instantaneously if you have a question while publishing with them. (5-Star Citizen: Raising the Civic-Minded Child) amazon.com/author/rkvetter